Me, Converso

My story is not that special, really. In fact, its core is the most typical of all immigrant tales: bloodlines fractured and families displaced—voluntarily or involuntarily. Inherited stories forgotten along the way, replaced by mystery, fabrication, indifference, or even shame. What is special is that the frayed string of my family history happens to lead to this place and time—now.

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Twain on Travel, with a Capital T

You don’t have to be a tourist when you Travel. Tourism tends to put guardrails on one’s mind because of the expectations we often pack along with our Bermuda shorts. Here are just a few of the things Mark Twain had to say on the subject of Travel.

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The Flyer of Kites

There were days when we knew our limits were governed only by the length of the string that bound our creation to our own hand. But there were other days when the puff of glory was soon followed by silent stillness, and then by a sickening limpness which could only be addressed by a rapid reeling in of the kite before it crashed back to earth.

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Kipling’s knack for describing true integrity, as well as an authentic road to happiness, is on full display in both the missive, and the poem “If-”. These can be words to end our year of 2018 by, and begin our new year, 2019. I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

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St. Lucy’s Day is Here! Why it may be particularly welcomed this year

The symbol of the day is a headdress of four candles, which symbolizes the notion that St. Lucy wore this illumination around her head, so her hands would be more free to carry stuff to the needy inside the catacombs. The illumination around one’s head is a symbol of spiritual intuition, a type of faith, which can be called upon when times are darkest and there does not seem to be a path forward. I love this story, and these symbols. 

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How to debate financial policy

Election Day!  I thought it would never come, but here we are.  By the time you read this excellent article by Barry Ritholtz, entitled "How to Debate Financial Policy", the die will have been cast, and we will all have great clarity about our path into the future.... Right??
Read Barry's article to remind yourself of what your high school debate coach taught you about how to discuss issues in a civilized and effective way.  His basic advice is "stick to the facts, and don't get personal". How quaint! Nevertheless, this advice is timeless and puts the onus back on your to at least try to know what you are talking about before you open your big fat mouth (I am talking to YOU, Ray Brimble).  His focus is on financial matters, but obviously his tips apply to virtually every other subject and kind of debate.

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How to Find a Lead Investor

I have been involved in a lot of fund raising over the past couple of years, both for my own deals, and as an investor in other folks' deals. The emphasis tends to be on the total amount raised. However, as Alejandro Cremades says in his article, "How to Find a Lead Investor," sometimes finding a lead is the most important step toward also finding the total amount of investment you seek.

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How living in Scandinavia changed the way I think about success and money

Today’s conversation is about the value of diversity in America.  Several pundits forcefully argue that cultural diversity is, in fact , NOT a strength, but rather a liability.  I would disagree and could back up my position with lots of historical, financial, empirical and anecdotal information. In short, a fact-based analysis supports the case for diversity. However, never mind that, for now.

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How One Pan Am Fan Recreated the Golden Age of Air Travel

“I have a soft spot for Pan Am. I took my first international flight on this airline in 1972, from Houston to Hong Kong via Honolulu and Tokyo.  It took forever, including an overnight stop in Honolulu because back then, the aircraft could not span the Pacific Ocean non stop.  I was a poor student, riding in the very back of the plane, but I recall the grandeur of the front and the general romance of the experience.  What a great idea for Anthony Toth to recreate it in a very unique restaurant atmosphere near Los Angeles.  I’m so there!”

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