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Me, Converso

My story is not that special, really. In fact, its core is the most typical of all immigrant tales: bloodlines fractured and families displaced—voluntarily or involuntarily. Inherited stories forgotten along the way, replaced by mystery, fabrication, indifference, or even shame. What is special is that the frayed string of my family history happens to lead to this place and time—now.

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The Flyer of Kites

There were days when we knew our limits were governed only by the length of the string that bound our creation to our own hand. But there were other days when the puff of glory was soon followed by silent stillness, and then by a sickening limpness which could only be addressed by a rapid reeling in of the kite before it crashed back to earth.

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Take ‘Er Out to Sea, Captain!

A lot has been written about the virtues and independence associated with being a small business owner. However, comparatively little attention is paid to the instinct of “going with the flow.”  After all, entrepreneurs are usually Type A control freaks. However, being on and part of the water in a small boat will eventually inform you that you are not the thing, but rather just part of the process, and your job is often just to keep everything afloat and moving forward in the right direction. 

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Global Trade Skills Deficit - Get a scholarship now

“Global trade skills deficit”, reads the headline!

What a disconnect between reality and the sordid political discussions on the subject of world trade. Global trade seems to be the “bad guy” these days, even though it has brought tremendous prosperity to way more Americans than those who have unfortunately had their jobs shipped to China (and for sure, that has happened too).

Here is the fact, and the deal. If you are a student and want an interesting and well paying job, think about studying international trade.

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Making our small world feel more connected under one big sky

Globalization has brought us closer together, but to many, there’s the feeling that we are on top of one another, furiously competing in a zero-sum game with jobs exported, terrorism and drugs imported, and everyone’s traditional values being trampled. In this dystopian view, the smiling faces of Disney’s vision of the world’s children have been replaced by snarling zombies eyeing their next meal.

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