If we really do believe that we must be the change we seek in the world, we must also understand what change in the world is needed. I am pretty sure it's no longer "pocket change."
Read MoreEvery year we purchase a beautiful fresh-cut pine tree so we can decorate it with family love and cheer, Christmas tunes, and a bit of eggnog. Then we make a declaration that it’s “the most beautiful tree we have ever had!"
However, this year has been a "Charlie Brown Christmas tree" year.
Read MoreConsider the humility of not knowing where you are going, but continuing anyway. This is true wayfinding. To find the way, when you are not sure of the way. Why do we do this? What is in our nature that we would naturally proceed, against our good sense and bad odds?
Read MoreIt’s a trick, I admit. You are tricking yourself into anticipation and gratitude for things large and small, for simply having life, love, and comfort in whatever form it might take over the next few months.
Read MoreThey both had this in common: a wonderful lack of understanding (or care) about what they were “supposed to be doing,” as well as an unlimited horizon of what they MIGHT do.
Read MoreIn 2019, I published 12 new original essays here on String Theory, and each could be seen as ribbons tied to the branches of the tree of my year. There they flutter still, reminding me to return to the themes which inspired me to write each.
Read MoreWhile the usual saying is “Can’t see the forest for the trees,” I think it can often be the other way around: the size and sweep of the forest is so overwhelming that we can’t appreciate the loveliness of the trees in front of us.
Read MoreThere were days when we knew our limits were governed only by the length of the string that bound our creation to our own hand. But there were other days when the puff of glory was soon followed by silent stillness, and then by a sickening limpness which could only be addressed by a rapid reeling in of the kite before it crashed back to earth.
Read MoreThey are a collection of “strings.” However, I did not choose, or perhaps I did not know what type of string they might be, or what the connection to anything else was. Only now am I looking back to discern this. For instance, from this last year’s collection, here are a few observations on why I might have chosen each topic:
Read MoreThe real challenge for a #Dreamforce18 newbie like myself is scheduling… Just how is it conceivable to hit as many relevant sessions as possible, work in the @Salesforce Customer Success Expo and hands-on training, meet with industry leaders and attend client mixers, and still have some time to eat and sleep?
Read MoreToday I take this moment to acclaim the week in our year that should not be known for its length, but rather for its balance.
Read More"Texas politicians' position should be to improve and prolong Nafta, but they seem to be trying to show party solidarity, and are not speaking up." -Ray Brimble, in a recent article by BBC news
Read MoreOne of the most important, and accurate pieces of advice anyone every told me was, “90% of success is showing up, and suiting up”. When I first heard this 30 years ago, I smirked and replied, “Wait! You mean all I have to do is bless any person or occasion with my own presence, and whatever I want to happen, will happen?”
Read MoreI have to admit, my wonderful bad habit is fun. But as you may have guessed by now, it’s also a metaphor for something far more essential
Read MoreThe concocted language of Esperanto was a mix of many different languages and sentence structures designed to be easy to learn and understand, no matter what your native tongue.
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