Base Operations offers free access to global COVID-19 Map

It can be hard to truly take in and process the onslaught of news we hear and read every day. We know it’s a crisis, and while we can focus on the small, helpful things each of us can do—wash our hands more than we think is necessary, look out for our neighbors and friends, only buy as much toilet paper as you actually need—the global picture remains a surreal backdrop to the small crises we see more of each day.

Base Operations, a company I have invested in, does threat analysis through map visualizations. They are now making their real-time COVID-19 map free and accessible to the public, in hopes their technology can support you or the organizations you are involved with.

Click here to access the Base Operations real-time map of COVID-19 data.

Nothing I have seen tells the story better than this. If you start the sequence (little round button under the map, all the way to the left and then move it to the right, you can see the spread of Covid-19 over the past three months. And folks can follow the spread with this map in the coming weeks. Sad, but powerful visualization of what we are “hearing” on the news every day.

—Ray Brimble

COVID-19 Highlights the Power of Mapping Threats

Cory Siskind, March 6

The spread of COVID-19 has been met with global panic, and companies are deciding how to respond. As the CEO of Base Operations, I talk to security professionals daily. They are working long hours monitoring the virus’s path, activating emergency measures, responding to travel bans, tracking down employees, assessing supply chain risk, and making tough calls.

They are also relying heavily on mapping visualizations.

Mapping threats from pandemics, crime, weather, to global unrest is an essential part of their job. As the number of catastrophic events rises, continuing to disrupt business operations, tools are needed to access more information and act faster.

Read Cory Siskind’s three primary reasons mapping threats is important on Medium.

Access Base Operation’s free global COVID-19 tracking map on their site.