El Arroyo's Big Book of Signs, Vol 1

Over the past 25 years, I have always looked forward to driving past that quintessential Austin TexMex restaurant on 5th St, El Arroyo ( English translation: “ the Ditch”). Every day there’s a different saying on the marquee sign out front. Many of the best ones have been captured in a wonderful new book , EL ARROYO’S BIG BOOK OF SIGNS VOLUME ONE, edited by Paige Winstanley, published by Cozumel Publishing Company, 2017. I picked a few of my favorites just to give you the flavor. Spicey !

Live in Austin, Vote Democrat, Wear Cowboy boots, Confuse people


I don't snore, I dream I'm a motocycle


Last Queso stop before a bunch of Yoga Studios


Sorry to anyone we haven't offended. Be patient. We'll get to you shortly.


Haven't done the Hokey Pokey in awhile. Forgot what it's all about


After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says WTF


?What if Soy Milk was just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish?


The Past, the Present and the Future walked into a bar. It was tense.


I tried wearing skinny jeans to ACL but couldn't pull them off.


No matter how kind you are, German children are kinder.


Trump to ban the sale of shredded cheese. He's going to make America grate again.